No. 55 (2024): La comunicación política frente a las crisis económicas
Notas de consultoría

You don’t say! The need for a political discourse consistent with the direct experience of citizens in the context of economic crisis

Manuel Bartolomé Castro
Universidad de Navarra


  • comunicación política,
  • discurso,
  • encuadres,
  • relato,
  • verdad
  • political communication,
  • discourse,
  • framing,
  • storytelling,
  • truth

How to Cite

Bartolomé Castro, M. (2024). You don’t say! The need for a political discourse consistent with the direct experience of citizens in the context of economic crisis. Más Poder Local, (55), 131-137. Retrieved from


Economic crises, especially when they appear with great intensity, centralize the attention of political actors, the media and public opinion. Unlike other public issues, citizens have direct experience with economic problems. Therefore, in these contexts, parties and governments must frame the situation in a way that is consistent with the reality that citizens experience. This article explores the specific characteristics that must be considered in the context of an economic crisis to achieve an effective political communication as well as of public service.


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